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Infant-Toddler Coaching

Specialized coaching for providers caring for children from birth to age 3

FIND Video Coaching

BrightSpark’s Infant-Toddler coaches can help providers find the best practices for creating the best possible outcomes for the youngest children in their care. Coaches utilize Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND), an evidence-based model in which interactions between caregivers and children are filmed, reviewed, and discussed to highlight providers’ strengths as well as room for growth. Participation in FIND can also result in STARS credits.

According to the FIND model’s official the website, its five key elements are:

Coaching Referrals

Coaching Referrals

To request support with FIND or other infant-toddler coaching services, fill out this form and our team will get back to you.

Mental Health Referrals

Mental Health Referrals

Looking to support the social-emotional development of children in your care? Help is available through the Holding Hope and/or Trauma Informed Care program.